Friday, March 2, 2012

Going THRU a Storm

For some time now we have been going thru a trial, one that has tested every part of my heart, and soul.  I have prayed and prayed and no answer came.  I felt like Daniel in the Bible when he prayed for 21 days and heard nothing.  Although, my trial has lasted past the 21 day mark, I still struggled.  It was just a few weeks ago at the lowest point that I actually caved below the burden, and on my knees a place I should have been to start, is where I first heard from God.
Two Sunday services ago, Pastor Mark preached about going thru a trial, one like you have never seen before. I knew it was to me.  He said that you can either let this tear you down, or you can praise him all the way thru the storm.  Well I am praising God for victory, I do not know when it will be here, I do not how the outcome will be, I do know what God has said, and that is word is true.  I have to trust in his promises!!
Sometimes to get to where  you need to be, you must obey him, and there are steps to get back to the top and I am climbing those steps one at a time.  God has given me songs of praise and promise during this trial, and I know and trust him to work it out.
This blog post may not make much sense to some of you, but it does come my heart.  If I can get going forward in the midst of this storm, SO CAN YOU!  Remember when you feel the waves crashing over you, and you feel you are about to go under, be reminded, that you life guard walks on water..
Love and Peace,
Jesse Adams

PS Please continue to hold my family up in prayers before God. We do need his strength and guidance. Thank you!!